The Computational logic, Languages, Implementation, and Parallelism Laboratory

CLIP Group's Publications in 1990

Articles in Refereed Conferences:

  1. S. K. Debray, N.-W. Lin, M.V. Hermenegildo. Task Granularity Analysis in Logic Programs. Proc. 1990 ACM Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), pages 174-188, ACM Press, June 1990.

  2. K. Muthukumar, M.V. Hermenegildo. The CDG, UDG, and MEL Methods for Automatic Compile-time Parallelization of Logic Programs for Independent And-parallelism. Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming, pages 221-237, MIT Press, June 1990.

  3. M.V. Hermenegildo, F. Rossi. Non-Strict Independent And-Parallelism. 1990 International Conference on Logic Programming, pages 237-252, MIT Press, Association for Logic Programming, June 1990.

  4. M.V. Hermenegildo, K. Greene. &-Prolog and its Performance: Exploiting Independent And-Parallelism. 1990 International Conference on Logic Programming, pages 253-268, MIT Press, Association for Logic Programming, June 1990.

  5. M.V. Hermenegildo. Bridging the Performance Gap between Declarative and Imperative Languages. 4th. International Symposium on Knowledge Engineering, pages 91-104, Xerox Corp., May 1990.

Books and Monographs:

  1. S. K. Debray, M.V. Hermenegildo. Logic Programming - Proc. of the North American Conference. 850 pages, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, October 1990.

Publications in Refereed Workshops:

  1. M.V. Hermenegildo. Compile-time Analysis Requirements for the Extended Andorra Model. Parallel Logic Programming Workshop, SICS, June 1990.

Technical Reports and Manuals:

  1. K. Muthukumar, M.V. Hermenegildo. Combined Determination of Sharing and Freeness of Program Variables Through Abstract Interpretation. Num. STP-368-90, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), Austin, TX 78759, December 1990.

  2. K. Shen, M.V. Hermenegildo. A Simulation Study of Or- and Independent And-parallelism. Num. FIM-60.1/AI/90, Facultad de Informatica, U. P. Madrid, 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, October 1990.

  3. K. Muthukumar, M.V. Hermenegildo. Deriving A Fixpoint Computation Algorithm for Top-down Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs. Num. ACT-DC-153-90, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), Austin, TX 78759, April 1990.

  4. C. Carreras, M.V. Hermenegildo. Towards an Analytical Model of the Data Diffusion Machine. UPM (PEPMA ESPRIT Project technical report), 1990.

  5. M.V. Hermenegildo, R. I. Nasr. A Tool for Visualizing Independent And-parallelism in Logic Programs. Num. CLIP1/90.0, T.U. of Madrid (UPM), 1990. Presented at the NACLP-90 Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming, Austin, TX.

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