The Computational logic, Languages, Implementation, and Parallelism Laboratory

CLIP Group's Publications in 1991

Articles in Refereed Journals:

  1. M.V. Hermenegildo, K. Greene. The &-Prolog System: Exploiting Independent And-Parallelism. New Generation Computing, Vol. 9, Num. 3,4, pages 233-257, Springer Verlag, 1991.

Articles in Refereed Conferences:

  1. K. Shen, M.V. Hermenegildo. A Simulation Study of Or- and Independent And-parallelism. International Logic Programming Symposium, pages 135-151, MIT Press, October 1991.

  2. G. Gupta, V. Santos-Costa, R. Yang, M.V. Hermenegildo. IDIOM: Integrating Dependent And-, Independent And-, and Or-parallelism. 1991 International Logic Programming Symposium, pages 152-166, MIT Press, October 1991.

  3. F. Giannotti, M.V. Hermenegildo. A Technique for Recursive Invariance Detection and Selective Program Specialization. Proc. 3rd Int'l. Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, LNCS, Num. 528, pages 323-335, Springer-Verlag, August 1991.

  4. K. Muthukumar, M.V. Hermenegildo. Combined Determination of Sharing and Freeness of Program Variables Through Abstract Interpretation (also available in ps). International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 1991), pages 49-63, MIT Press, June 1991.

Books and Monographs:

  1. F. Bueno Carrillo. Traducción Automática de Prolog al Andorra Kernel Language (Automatic Translation from Prolog to the Andorra Kernel Language). Ms. Thesis, T.U. of Madrid (UPM), Facultad de Informática, Madrid, 28660, December 1991.

  2. M. García de la Banda. Implementación de un Intérprete Abstracto de Programas Prolog sobre el Dominio “sharing + freeness” (Implementation and Evaluation of an Abstract Interpreter over the “sharing + freeness” Domain). Ms. Thesis, T. University of Madrid (UPM), Facultad de Informática, Madrid, 28660, December 1991.

Publications in Refereed Workshops:

  1. G. Gupta, M.V. Hermenegildo. ACE: And/Or-parallel Copying-based Execution of Logic Programs. ICLP '91 Workshop on Parallel Execution of Logic Programs, LNCS, Num. 569, pages 146-159, Springer-Verlag, December 1991.

  2. M.V. Hermenegildo, M. Carro. Experimenting with Independent And-Parallel Prolog using Standard Prolog. Jornadas Nacionales de Programación Declarativa, pages 478-497, U. Malaga, October 1991.

  3. M. García de la Banda, M.V. Hermenegildo. Some Considerations on the Compile-Time Analysis of Constraint Logic Programs. Jornadas Nacionales de Programación Declarativa, pages 97-117, U. Malaga, October 1991.

  4. F. Bueno, M.V. Hermenegildo. Towards an Automatic Translation Algorithm from Prolog to the Andorra Kernel Language. Proc. of the 1991 GULP Conference on Logic Programming, pages 489-505, Italian Association for Logic Programming, June 1991.

Technical Reports and Manuals:

  1. M.V. Hermenegildo, M. Carro. Experimenting with Independent And-Parallel Prolog using Standard Prolog. 24 pages, U. of Madrid (UPM), October 1991. Presented at the 1991 Spanish Workshop on Declarative Programming, Malaga.

  2. M. Olmedilla, F. Bueno, M.V. Hermenegildo. Automatic Exploitation of Non-Determinate Independent And-Parallelism in the Basic Andorra Model. Num. FIM106.1/AI/91, Facultad de Informatica, U. P. Madrid, Spain, October 1991.

  3. F. Bueno, M.V. Hermenegildo. Results on Automatic Translation from Prolog to the Andorra Kernel Language. Num. CLIP2/91.0, T.U. of Madrid (UPM), September 1991. theory in technical report, “Towards an Automatic Translation Algorithm from Prolog to the Andorra Kernel Language”.

  4. G. Gupta, M.V. Hermenegildo. ACE: And/Or-parallel Copying-based Execution of Logic Programs. Num. without, T.U. of Madrid (UPM), June 1991. also in Proc. ICLP91 Workshop on Parallel Execution of Logic Programs.

  5. F. Bueno, M.V. Hermenegildo. An Automatic Translation Scheme from Prolog to the Andorra Kernel Language. Num. CLIP1/91.0, T.U. of Madrid, June 1991. also(first version) in Proc. GULP91, results and benchmarks in “Results on Automatic Translation from Prolog to the Andorra Kernel Language”.

  6. M. Carro, L. Gómez, M.V. Hermenegildo. VISANDOR: A Tool for Visualizing And-/Or-parallelism in Logic Programs. Num. CLIP9/91.0, 17 pages, T.U. of Madrid (UPM), June 1991.

  7. G. Gupta, V. Santos-Costa, R. Yang, M.V. Hermenegildo. IDIOM: A Model Intergrating Dependent-, Independent-, and Or-parallelism. Num. CLIP8/91.0, University of Bristol, March 1991.

  8. F. Giannotti, M.V. Hermenegildo. A Technique for Recursive Invariance Detection and Selective Program Specialization. Num. CLIP7/91.0, U. of Madrid (UPM), February 1991.

  9. M. García de la Banda, M.V. Hermenegildo. Analyzing Constraint Logic Programs. Num. CLIP4/91.0, U. of Madrid (UPM), January 1991. Presented in ICLP-91 Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming, Paris.

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