The Computational logic, Languages, Implementation, and Parallelism Laboratory

CLIP Group's Publications in 2024

Articles in Refereed Journals:

  1. Louis Rustenholz, Maximiliano Klemen, Miguel Ángel Carreira-Perpiñán, Pedro López-García. A Machine Learning-based Approach for Solving Recurrence Relations and its use in Cost Analysis of Logic Programs. TPLP, Vol. 24, Num. 6, pages 1163-1207, November 2024.

  2. Daniel Jurjo, José F. Morales, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. Abstract Environment Trimming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Vol. 24, Num. 4, pages 863-884, Cambridge U. Press, October 2024.

Articles in Refereed Conferences:

  1. Louis Rustenholz, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, José F. Morales, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. An Order Theory Framework of Recurrence Equations for Static Cost Analysis - Dynamic Inference of Non-Linear Inequality Invariants. Proceedings of the 31st Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2024), LNCS, Vol. 14995, Springer, October 2024.

Publications in Refereed Workshops:

  1. Manuel V. Hermenegildo, José F. Morales, Pedro Lopez-Garcia. Teaching Pure LP with Prolog and a Fair Search Rule. Proceedings of the 40th ICLP Workshops, Vol. 3799,, October 2024.

Technical Reports and Manuals:

  1. F. Ridoux. Improvements to the Auxiliary Analyses for Cost Analysis. CLIP Lab, IMDEA Software Institute, August 2024. Master internship report. Supervised by P. Lopez-Garcia, M.V. Hermenegildo, J. F. Morales and L. Rustenholz..

  2. Daniel Jurjo, José F. Morales, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. Abstract Environment Trimming. Num. CLIP-2/2024.0, IMDEA Software Institute and Technical University of Madrid (UPM), May 2024.

  3. Louis Rustenholz, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, José F. Morales, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. An Order Theory Framework of Recurrence Equations for Static Cost Analysis - Dynamic Inference of Non-Linear Inequality Invariants. Num. CLIP-1/2024.0, IMDEA Software Institute and Technical University of Madrid (UPM), May 2024.

  4. Louis Rustenholz, Maximiliano Klemen, Miguel Ángel Carreira-Perpiñán, Pedro López-García. A Machine Learning-based Approach for Solving Recurrence Relations and its use in Cost Analysis of Logic Programs. 2024.

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