The ParForCE Project Technology Transfer Workshop
January 15-16, 1996, Madrid, Spain

Workshop Programme

Day 1 (January 15)
- 9:30 - Welcome and
Introduction (Chair: Giorgio Levi, Pisa)
- Project motivation and objectives (Manuel Hermenegildo,
Project Manager)
- Tutorial: Parallelism and concurrency in LP
and CLP (Manuel Hermenegildo, UPM)
- Tutorial: Using LP and CLP (Eclipse programming)
(Steven Prestwich, ECRC)
11:30 - Coffee Break
11:45 - Extending Global Analysis Techniques (Chair:
Alexander Herold, ECRC)
- Brief tutorial on abstract interpretation (Roberto
Giacobazzi, Pisa)
- Towards supporting full languages
- Domain comparisons (Mark Longley, Southampton)
13:45 - Lunch
14:45 - Performance assessment/debugging tools (Chair:
Thomas Sjöland, SICS)
- Performance debugging / Parsee demo (Steven Prestwich, ECRC)
- Performance assessment tools
and visualization / demo (Manuel Carro, UPM)
- Platform improvements / demo
(Manuel Carro, UPM)
16:15 - Coffee Break
16:30 - Analysis of concurrent programs (Chair: Pierre
Deransart, INRIA)
- Compositional/modular analysis of CC (Moreno Falaschi/Enea
Zaffanella, Pisa)
- Partial
evaluation and analysis
of AKL (Thomas Sjöland / Dan Sahlin, SICS)
18:15 - End of first day
21:00 - Social Dinner

Day 2 (January 16)
- 9:30 - Parallel Program Development (Chair: Steven
Prestwich, ECRC)
- Parallelization /
Sequentialization / Granularity
analysis and control (Francisco Bueno/Pedro
López, UPM)
- Working Group on
program development (Debugging, CCC, Program verification)
(Pierre Deransart, INRIA/John Lloyd, Bristol)
- 11:30 - Coffee Break
11:45 - Systems (Chair: Paul Soper, Soton)
- An overview of the Eclipse system / demo
(Alex Herold, ECRC)
- An overview of the CIAO parallelizing compiler and system / demo
(parallelization demo support slides, CIAO system demo support slides)
(Manuel Hermenegildo/Francisco Bueno/Daniel Cabeza, Madrid)
- 13:45 - Lunch
- 14:45 - Conclusion (Chair: Moreno Falaschi, Pisa)
- Summary of project achievements and
future work (Manuel Hermenegildo, Project Manager)
- 15:15 - Debate / Reviewer discussion / Feedback
- 16:15 - End of workshop
