An Integrated Program Development
Environment based on Abstract Interpretation.

The CLIP Group at DIA / DLSIIS /
Technical University of Madrid (UPM)

- Duration: Dec. 1999 - Dec. 2002
- Summary: Developing correct and efficient software for complex
applications remains a difficult and costly task. The project
objective is an interactive software development environment which
allows detecting automatically correctness errors and inefficiencies
in programs, during both initial development and maintenance. Such
errors and inefficiencies are detected by comparison with (optionally
partial) specifications, which are expressed in a flexible assertion
language. Any discrepancies should be detected preferably at
compile-time, but detection at run-time (testing) should also be
supported. The most novel aspect is the use of advanced global program
analysis techniques, based on abstract interpretation and safe
approximations. This allows handling much richer set of program
properties than the type systems used traditionally in compile-time
error detection, such as determinacy, non-failure, upper- and
lower-bounds on execution cost and data sizes, modes, data structure
independence, safety in data access patterns, etc. The techniques used
allow inferring such properties safely and comparing them with the
specifications. Such specifications also allow automatic program
documentation. The system must allow independent development and
debugging of modules, thus facilitating the scalability of the
approach. The environment will be integrated with a practical
constraint programming system which will combine the debugging
capabilities developed with other aspects of program development such
as automatic specialization and parallelization.
Keywords: Program Debugging, Maintenance, Documentation,
Assertions, Abstract Interpretation, Global Analysis, Specialization,
Parallelization, Visualization, Logic and Constraint Programming.
- Research Personnel Involved:
M. Hermenegildo,
F. Bueno,
P. López,
G. Puebla,
M. Carro.

Last modified: Wed Dec 11 10:10:34 2002