Optimized Compilation Techniques for
Pervasive Computation
(Computación UBIcua mediante
técnicas de Compilación Optimizante)

The CLIP Group at DIA and DLSIIS /
Technical University of Madrid (UPM)

- Duration: Dec. 2002 - Dec. 2005
- Summary: The main theme of the CUBICO project is to
advance the practicality of automatic program manipulation techniques
by applying them in a realistic programming environment. The objective
is to integrate general techniques (which are being developed in the
ASAP EU project) into practical tools within the Ciao multi-paradigm
programming system: a practical system which supports logic,
functional, constraint, and object-oriented programming. One
additional objective is to target program optimizations to the needs
of the computational elements of pervasive computing environments. One
of the main lines of work implies extending the program compilation
and development tools so that they can be used in such an environment
to reduce program resource consumption and to instrument programs to
perform dynamic control of such consumption during execution. The
final aim is to develop an environment that would be an ideal
candidate for programming ambient intelligence in mobile and pervasive
computing environments.
Keywords: Program Specialization, Program Optimization,
Pervasive Computing, Cost Analysis, Resource Consumption Analysis,
Abstract Interpretation, Global Analysis, Parallelization,
Visualization, Logic and Constraint Programming, Multi-Paradigm
Programming, Declarative Programming.
- Research Personnel Involved:
F. Bueno,
M. Hermenegildo,
P. López,
G. Puebla,
M. Carro,
Daniel Cabeza,
Jim Lipton,
Jesús Correas,
Claudio Vaucheret,
José Manuel Gómez.
Last modified: Wed Dec 11 10:38:53 2002